Saturday, May 5, 2007


  • Diet and exercise is very important for those of us who have TA. Almost all patients with TA take prednisone. Exercise plays a huge role in reducing or limiting the side effects, especially weight gain. Exercise can also help reduce limitations caused by claudication of arms and legs. (From Dr. Hellman-Chairman of the Dept. of Medicine at the John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, excerpt from the Book "Vasculitis - Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired by Sheri Lyn Schwar, page 253)

  • High sodium intake aggravates either form of hypertension. Sodium intake leads to fluid retention, which leads to high blood pressure.....Exercise, low salt diet, positive attitude, avoiding over-the-counter pain medications as much as possible and regular follow-ups with your physician or physician team all can help to keep your kidneys healthy. (From Dr. Ravindra Bollu - Medical Director of the Transplant Nephrology Unit at Lehigh Valley Hospital, Allentown PA, excerpt from the Book "Vasculitis - Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired by Sheri Lyn Schwar, page 257)

  • A cup of tea runneth over with health benefits. The antioxidants it contains called catechins appear to promote the dilation of the blood vessels and facilitate blood flow. (From Medical News that Matter By Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld, Parade Magazine, May 6, 2007, page 34)

  • Do consume good carbs - from fruits, vegetables and whole grains keep your blood sugar levels even and may help reduce the risk of heart problems. (From Consumer Reports on Health)

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