Wednesday, May 16, 2007


(Information c/o Sharon)
This is Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month. The Vasculitis Foundation is urging everyone affected by vasculitis or TA to write to Congress and do the following:

- Take Action to Raise Awareness about Vasculitis
- Educate congressional health policy makers about the prevalence of autoimmune disease
- Lay the health care policy foundation that will support future decisions to fund autoimmune disease and vasculitis research.

The VF makes it easy for you to write a letter to Congress. Check out their website:

I know that TA is only 1 of the many 80 autoimmune diseases out there, but TA is rare, smoldering for years and life threatening once we find out. We have suffered the most since most of us have been diagnosed in the later stages and have had to endure dangerous side effects of the medications being prescribed to treat TA.
Let us urge Congress to take our autoimmune disease seriously and to advocate for more standardized diagnostic testing for TA that would ensure our safety.
Speak out, get involve, be heard!!!

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