Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Name: Margarette A. Castro

Gender: Female

Stage in TA (newbie, old pro/guru, in remission): Newbie

State or Country: Fairfax, Virginia, USA

Please introduce yourself, a little background. How did you find out that you had TA?

My name is Margarette Castro. I have TA. Earlier in my twenties, I felt aches and pains in my shoulders and legs but did not mind them and continued having an active lifestyle. Whenever I felt the aches and pains, I would just do massage therapy and swim in the warm hot springs. Then when I moved to the United States, I started having severe anemia. They diagnosed me with lupus and had to undergo iron ferrelcit transfusions every year. On my fourth year of transfusion, the nurse noticed two different blood pressure readings on my arms. She alerted my primary care physician and they did more tests. I was found to have a high ESR and C-REP test which led to the Takayasu Arteritis diagnosis. I’m a newbie to this disease but am relieved that after all these years a correct diagnosis has been made.

Since TA is a smoldering/brewing disease, did you find out right away that you had TA or how many years before finally being correctly diagnosed with TA?

No, initially I felt the aches and pains in my shoulder and legs during my twenties. Then I had nose bleeds, dizzy spells, blurry vision in my thirties. Then finally severe anemia, shortness of breath in my forties. So I would say from early 90s to a diagnosis in April 2007.

How do you feel now? What was going through your mind? What’s your outlook like?

I am now on 40 mg. of prednisone and a whole bunch of other medications. It’s a weird feeling but am relieved that this disease is treatable.

Have you been on any clinical trials for TA? Where and what was it like?

No, I have not been in any clinical trials for TA, although I am exploring that option.

What’s the best and biggest lesson you’ve learned dealing with TA? Any inspiring words, amusing, funny TA stories, favorite hero, saying, books, songs, etc..

Illness is no time to lose your sense of humor. Take it 1 day at a time.

Is there anything you’d like to tell other TA patients, family or people in general?

Hang in there. We shall overcome.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I love this web page that you have done. WOW. You are very motivated and creative. I will try to set one up for Diane, but don't have time right now.
This is wonderful.
