Thursday, May 10, 2007


Marci Medrano's TA Story

Name: Marci Medrano

Gender: female

State: Texas

Stage in TA: --Old Pro

I was 20 years old -- had a three month old daughter. During my pregnancy I was always tired and sick--I just thought it was cause I was pregnant. It was August of 1992 and always loved the sun. I had been at the Beach and when returning home --I was having trouble breathing--The Doc thought I was having a heat stroke. I was feeling sick so I stoppped at Grandma's house and she was not there so I went in called my mom to tell her where I was at cause she had my baby--I was so sick and throwing up and the only thing that hurt was my arm. Well, I fell asleep to later wake up ---LONG STORY short--I drove myself to the hospital--and was in ICU after that--I had a heart attack and did not realize it.--My left main was 90% closed and had to have emergency bypass . They sent a biopsy to Austin of my aorta cause it was so inflamed. That is how I found out about TA. They could not believe that I had just had a baby--they said with all the damage I had to have been sick for awhile.

Right now--I just had surgery to put a stent on one of the grafts that have closed. I have had two heart bypass surgeries --my left subclavian and carotid are 100% and have had surgery to fix those twice and no success my right side is about 50%. My renal artery is diseased as well.

I take predisone--solu-medrol,plavix.norvasc,crestor---I have taken methotrexate--cytoxan-remicade and none of those helped.

At times I just do not know how to deal with the TA.
The Doctors say I have an angel walking with me cause I almost died several times. I almost died twice last Wednesday during surgery and after when I was in ICU__I zero out. I just keep going--I have said ,I keep going for my daughters cause I want them to live a normal life and it hurts me for them to have to see me sick--I do everything I can --I go on trips --do everything imaginable to live that "normal life".

I am so happy that I have found someone to talk too.

I live in Victoria and have to travel to Houston to see the Docs there--I have never met anyone with the same sickness anywhere near me.

Thank you Marci for sharing your TA story.


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