Saturday, April 5, 2008


Here are some tips by Eckhart Tolle, author of the best selling novel A NEW EARTH, and featured on Oprah.

First, do not talk about your illness to other people, except when you visit your doctor.

The more you talk about it, the more you keep the process going.

Do not empower the disease.

If someone asks, say "I'm doing all I can to find healing in this. And I'm making good progress."

No more mentioning of illness. This will have a certain influence on your thought processes.

Gradually refrain from thinking of yourself as a sick person. Give less thought to your illness and focus attention more on well-being.

You may ask, well, but if I don't fell good, if I feel it, how can I give attention to well-being?

You can still do that.

One way is to see well-being around you in nature, because nature is just an embodiment of well being.

There's well-being even if certain parts of your body feel unwell or painful. Sense the body..there are always parts of your body where you can still find well-being, in your toes, wherever.

Take some attention into the body and see, where can I most strongly feel great, a sense of well-being in the body, and then take your attention there.

Choose to direct attention to well-being rather than dwelling on the idea of illness.

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